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Connect With Your Divine Blueprint

Connect With Your Divine Blueprint
Astral Travel & Sound Healing Experience with Greg Doyle & Katie Jameson 
Where   Junction Yoga, Level 1/164 Cavendish Road, Coorparoo, Brisbane
When    Friday June 11, 6pm - 8pm  

Join Greg Doyle and Katherine Jameson for an evening of re-connecting to Higher Consciousness through astral travel & Sound Healing


About this event:


Join Greg and Katie for an evening of deep diving into astral and sonic realms. A follow on event from their first workshop debut "Return to Home," this evening creates a larger container for healing. The intention for the evening is to create a space through two longer meditations: an astral experience to reconnect with your guides, higher consciousness, and a 45 min Sound Healing experience; to ground the Higher consciousness and aspects of self within the earth and to resonate these frequencies within every cell of the body.


A night of gentle conversation around the nature of 'allowing,' rather than the fight of pushing against your current reality; releasing the effort to be human, and connecting in with higher aspects of self, guides, Higher Consciousness. This evening will centre around a deeply healing and relaxing space, to gently re-member the truth of Who You Really Are and what you are here to do on the planet at this time.


The healing container will be through the intentions created by Katherine & Greg, both Reiki Masters, to open a chamber of light to release what no longer serves, to re-member and to retune your energy fields to hold more of your own Soul's Light. As always, setting a sacred containing for each individual so the process is held pure and safe for the one, and for the all. Allow the vibrations, frequencies and energies of the crystal singing bowls to wash away the dust of everyday life, to transport you to higher planes and to ground your Divine Blueprint within your bones, waters and cells! Re - connect, Re-member & bring forth the light in which you are to the world!

Hi Greg, many thanks for your astral meditations last night. I took your advice & enjoyed my first amazing astral travel experiences​ last night & early this morning—just awesome! Will continue this practice & further develop this phenomenon. — Joseph, Brisbane



I'm finding the chakra breathing cleanse that Greg taught us in his Astral Projecton workshops amazing. Definitely feel the difference. It seems to put me in a meditative state in which I am finding it easier to go deeper with my meditation, this then leads to a conscious OBE which hasn't happened to me until I've been practicing this technique. — Sarah, Sunshine Coast

Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes, and bring an eye mask or light scarf if you have one. Bring  any cushions or blankets you may need. Your selves in any and all states and a willingness to return to Home. 

Friday June 11, 6pm - 8pm​

Junction Yoga, Level 1/164 Cavendish Road, Coorparoo, Brisbane

$69 per person 
This is an exclusive event as there are limited spaces available. Book online now to ensure your place. Tickets will not be available at the door. The event begins at 6pm sharp.

For more information on the event contact Greg
See the event on facebook.
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