Reduce stress, and improve physical and mental well-being
Reiki • Energy Healing • Reiki Treatments • Distant Reiki

It's All In The Body...
All your life’s experiences, good and bad, are held in your body. Whether it be ongoing stress from home or work, illness, or past trauma, it all adds up.
This affects your ability to function each day, your personal relationships, and can also lead to long-term health issues and a degraded energy system.
But it doesn’t have to…
This Is Where Reiki Comes In
A Connection To Source
What Actually Is Reiki?
Reiki (pronounced “Ray Key”) means 'universal energy' and is an ancient Japanese technique of energy healing to restore physical and emotional well-being as well as provide spiritual healing. It's a natural therapy focusing on clearing blockages restricting the body’s natural energy flow, also known as life force energy. A reiki treatment can relieve stress, reduce anxiety, and even help your body to heal faster.
Is It For Anyone...?
Yes it is! Today, everyone from artists to CEOs are benefiting from Reiki/energy healing to help them navigate and thrive in the many challenges of 21st-century living.

The day after my reiki session I was able to feel, breathe and appreciate everything - I felt like myself again. My nerve pain and muscle cramps vanished, panic attacks stopped. Greg gave me the ability to reset and move on.
Jasmine - Brisbane

Be Your Best Self
The Many Benefits of Reiki/Energy Healing
Reduce stress
Improve quality of sleep
Combat fatigue
Reduce recovery time after illness or surgery
Increase energy levels
Manage pain from chronic illness and ongoing ailments
Improve mental clarity
Alleviate chronic conditions
Lower your blood pressure
Level out the highs and lows of life
Strengthen your immune system
Maintain general physical and emotional well-being
Accelerate your body's natural healing process
Bring about inner peace
Since the reiki treatment, my thoughts seem clearer.
I'm more focused and generally happier.
Jhi - Brisbane

Ground Zero
A Cosmic Feedback Loop
Our bodies and minds, along with everything in the known universe, are made up of energy at their most fundamental levels. All energy vibrates at certain frequencies, and when a part of your being is unwell it will start to vibrate at the wrong frequency.
In Comes Reiki
The Fix
When reiki is applied to you the raised vibrational state lifts and supports those areas of imbalance so that they may vibrate at their normal 'healthy' frequency.
Designed To Be Well
The Law Of Attraction In Action
Your body knows this. It wants to heal and begins to match the higher frequency. It's like holding a tuning fork to its matching guitar string. The string will start to vibrate on its own when the pitch is matched. It's the law of attraction in motion, and the magic of energy healing.
Disease is a biofeedback mechanism...
...designed to let you know when your system is out of alignment. Listen to what your body is telling you and respond. You want to be well, you want to be fit and you want to enjoy life. Your body is the ultimate litmus test. If it's well, your life is going well.
De-stressing your life is vital to your well-being. As you begin to realize your thoughts, emotions, body and lifestyle are all links on the same chain, you'll start to want to nurture yourself and build a healthier, happier you. Reiki truly is a road to holistic health.

Reiki Healing Treatment
It soothes your soul, relaxes your body and rejuvenates your entire being

What To Expect
Standard reiki/energy healing sessions are 60 minutes, and are conducted from my studio in Bardon, Brisbane.
During a reiki treatment you'll remain fully clothed while lying on a massage table. By hovering my hands just above your body, I’ll scan for energy blockages and problem areas. This is followed by a series of light hand placements to focus energy where your body needs it most.
You may experience a pleasant buzzing, or hot and cold sensations. It’s a perfectly normal part of the healing energy transfer. It’s also quite common to fall into a light sleep during reiki treatments. But that’s ok. It relaxes your logical mind, and can be beneficial to the healing process, but not essential.
And Afterwards...
After the reiki session, you’ll feel deeply relaxed, rejuvenated, and be left with a profound sense of inner peace and well-being. It's also a wonderful holistic therapy for pain management.
Furthermore, the healing effects continue long after your reiki treatment. Especially when you honour the feelings and emotions your body presents to you.​
My reiki session with Greg was absolutely life changing. Everything has been in flow and I feel so at peace and stress free.
Rhani - Brisbane

Reiki Healing Packages
We all lead busy lives, so I've created these discounted Reiki healing packages below to make the process easier for you. Initial reiki consultation treatments are 80 min to further understand what you’re trying to achieve with the treatment and how I can help you. Follow up standard reiki treatments are 60 min to continue the healing process.
If you have a chronic or terminal illness, please contact me to discuss an affordable treatment plan.

One Session
$160 or $130
Experience the energy and healing benefits of Reiki
Distant Reiki/Energy Healing Session - via Phone or Zoom
The healing energy force of Reiki is universal, and not restricted by location. This allows you to receive healing remotely.
So, if you’re outside the greater Brisbane area, book a Distant Reiki (phone) or Zoom Reiki (screen) session to experience the healing power of Reiki, wherever you are.
Intrigued? Get in touch, or simply book online below:

I had a serious debilitating back condition… after the first (distant reiki) session, the condition improved to the point where I could discard completely the strong medication I was using and haven't used since.
Words cannot express how grateful I am.
Mike - remote reiki client in the UK